Welcome to Holy Trinity Byzantine Catholic Church!
Located at 6801 N. 10th St. + Philadelphia, PA + 19126
Served by the Rev. Paul R. Varchola West, MFA, M.Div.
Our Story
Part of a rich history dating back to the turn of the 20th Century, Holy Trinity Parish was officially founded in 1922 when members of existing Byzantine parishes began moving around the greater Philadelphia area, including the suburbs. Organically settling on Ninth St in Philadelphia, the parish would ultimately move to its current location on 10th and Oak in 1964.
Despite struggle and hardship throughout the years, the people of Holy Trinity persevered in faith, love, and devotion to Christ’s Church, the Sacraments, and the surrounding community. Still as strong as the day it was founded, the people of Holy Trinity continue to enjoy an active faith life and, recently being partnered with the sister parish of OLPH (Levittown, PA), invited you to come participate in the rich history and deep faith instilled by their forbears.
Our Faith
Rooted in the rich liturgical tradition of the Christian East, Holy Trinity is a parish of the Byzantine Catholic Eparchy of Passaic. We welcome ALL who wish to come and worship, or simply stop in for a visit. Recognizing the Primacy of the Roman Pontiff while retaining our ancient liturgical, spiritual, and sacramental practices, the Byzantine Catholic Faith offers much in the way of Tradition, reverence, piety, and speaks to the true nature of the Universal Church.
Along with its sister parish OLPH (Levittown, PA), Holy Trinity strives to be a home to both Byzantine Catholics in the Philadelphia metropolitan area as well as for those seeking a spiritual home.
Together, these two parishes bring the Light of the East to Philadelphia through the celebration of the Divine Liturgy and other Divine Services at BOTH locations. Please explore our schedule and experience it for yourself!

About our Parish…
Sunday Divine Liturgy: 11:30am
Please see the bulletin for the Weekday and Holy Day Schedule
Holy Trinity, rooted in hospitality, is known far and wide for its MONTHLY Coffee Socials!
Please see our Calendar of Events for details.
Come to Divine Liturgy, pray with us, and stay for friendship, fellowship, and fun!
Click HERE to contact Fr. Paul with general inquiries or to schedule appointments, confessions, or any other requests.
Office Hours are by appointment only.
Find us on Facebook for all the latest on HT, or sign up on our Home Page for the OLPH/HT Parish mailing list to receive email updates including the Weekly Bulletin, news, events, and more!

And the LORD appeared to him by the oaks of Mamre, as he sat at the door of his tent in the heat of the day. He lifted up his eyes and looked, and behold, three men stood in front of him. When he saw them, he ran from the tent door to meet them, and bowed himself to the earth,and said, "My lord, if I have found favor in your sight, do not pass by your servant.Let a little water be brought, and wash your feet, and rest yourselves under the tree,while I fetch a morsel of bread, that you may refresh yourselves, and after that you may pass on-since you have come to your servant."
— Gen 18:1-5